National Board for Certified Pastoral Counselors

Providing professional standars of practice to the service of Pastoral Counseling

The National Board for Certified Pastoral Counselors

become a  certified pastoral counselor The NBCPC provides professional standards of practice to the service of Pastoral Counseling.

NBCPC is a non-profit, independent, voluntary credentialing body for pastoral counselors. The organization was formed to establish and monitor a national certification system, to identify those pastoral counselors who have voluntarily sought and obtained certification, and to maintain a register of those counselors.

Through a detailed and thorough examination of the skills, knowledge, education and experience of both professional and lay pastoral counselors, the NBCPC ensures only those applicants with the highest levels of competence are certified. This examination allows for the unique educational and skill development requirements of the field and recognizes pastoral counselors who have the dedication to develop and maintain their skills.

The National Certified Pastoral Counselor (NCPC) credentials allow consumers to have confidence in the care that they are receiving and allow National Certified Pastoral Counselors to distinguish themselves from their peers.

The National Board for Certified Pastoral Counselors is a member of The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits. Established in 1987, the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) is a statewide, professional association of over 1300 nonprofit organizations. The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits works to continually inform, involve, strengthen and increase the capacity and effectiveness of nonprofits and the nonprofit sector in Minnesota.

The National Organization for Competency Assurance promotes excellence in competency assurance for practitioners in all occupations and professions. Established in 1977, the National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA) is the leader in setting quality standards for credentialing organizations. The NBCPC has applied for membership with NOCA, and expects acceptance by Spring of 2003.

What NOCA does:

  • Develops standards and accredits organizations that meet them
  • Evaluates methods for assuring competency
  • Disseminates findings of competency assurance research
  • Helps employers make informed hiring decisions
  • Establishes standards, recommends policies, and defines roles for certifying organizations
  • Assists consumers to make informed decisions about qualified providers

The National Commission for Certifying Agencies is the accreditation body of NOCA. Certification programs may apply and be accredited by the NCCA if they demonstrate compliance with each accreditation standard. NCCA's Standards exceed the requirements set forth by the American Psychological Association and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The NCCA helps to ensure the health, welfare, and safety of the public through the accreditation of a variety of certification programs/organizations that assess professional competency. Organizations that have received certification from NCCA include; National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), Healthcare Quality Certification Board and Commision on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification. NBCPC will be reviewed for certification by the NCCA in Summer of 2003.

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